


Saturday, 18 April 2015

why google is not approving your blog and how to solve it

Every blogger knows quite well that google adsense still remain the best advertising network to monetize a website. But to have google place their ads on your blog you must become an adsense publisher. This means you need to signup. Unlike some other advertising networks, google adsense is extremely strict on what website they approve to display their ads. Many bloggers and website owners keeping wondering why they have always been disapproved. They fail to ask what other bloggers are doing right to get their blogs/websites approved. Google isn't partial, the same rules applies to everyone. Recently, I've been getting messages from fellow bloggers that google keep disapproving their application. So I'm using this medium to highlight possible reasons why certain blogs are not approve. Many new bloggers are so lazy, maybe they venture into blogging believing that it all about money making. Truly, blogging can make you rich but it is not like ABC. You ought to follow procedures. Getting an adsense account require following rules. I bet so many of these bloggers complaining of not get approval haven't read AdSense policies: a beginner's guide. They just rush into applying. If you have gone through the guide and you still have the same issues getting approval, then the possible reasons are: You Are in The Wrong Niche Entertainment/News It is believed that once you have articles that are not copy and paste, it is original irrespective of the niche. This is wrong. I haven't seen any blogs on these niches (entertainment and news) get approved this 2015. If you have seen any please let me know. You may see a blog on that niche having adsense of recent but in truth that blog wasn't used for adsense application. Many bloggers are into the niche because it has wider audience. Many bloggers are into this buzz and truly it is highly profitable. You may ask "why is it difficult for entertainment/news blogs to get approval?" It's simple! Many of the posts you see on the blogs are already appearing on other bigger news/entertainment websites. Content that are rewritten doesn't mean it is original. So you are only duplicating what other sites have originally published. Even if your post pass copyscape it is not unique. Apart from that, most of these blogs suffer from insufficient content. When google says a blog has insufficient content, the blogger thinks he hasn't published enough articles. Wrong notion! Insufficient content in this context means you have less textual content on each posts. A post has to have at least a minimum of 500 words. Most of these blogs doesn't. Rather what you see it title captions such as 'Check out Kim K Bikini Bod' and then you see no text but only pictures. Another one is 'Who Rocks This Better, Tonto Dikeh or Jackkie Appiah?' and then you see two pictures for comparison. This is simply insufficient content. Sensitive content A blogger sent a message to me on facebook that is account was disapproved for sensitive content. Too bad he couldn't understand what is meant by sensitive content. Publishing nudity or sexually explicit content is sensitive content. Anyway this is the current trend, so many entertainment bloggers are promoting nudity online. I simply refer to them as 'Endtime Bloggers'. Profanity, violence and post that incite to hate, and promote ethnic or religious intolerance is termed as sensitive content. You must delete them from your blog before applying. Technology I have so far be talking about entertainment/news niche, does it mean that other niche can get one adsense easily? The answer is no. Tech bloggers are also finding it hard to get adsense application approval. Why so?, duplicate content. So many tutorials that has been published four years back is what some of them republish. Google require content that add value to the internet and not what someone has said so many times. Another point to note is most of the tech blogs are into reviews. Apple releases a new iphone and then they start writing about it. Most of these reviews are written directly from the product website. The photos are not credited. There are photos for press release which are available for the public and there are those which are not. Health Health is a very crucial niche and google make sure information published on health blogs are unique and original. Original and unique in the sense that they are not rehearsals. The articles are not recycled. For example, type health benefit of garlic on google search, you will find out that there will be over fifty thousand sites with similar articles. So your post will suffer from duplicate content whether you have written the article in your own words. Besides, google want to protect their advertisers, most of these health blogs contain illegal and inefficient advice. Advertisers are not interested in advertising on such sites. What niche is easy for adsense approval? Recently I have been experimenting, helping other bloggers - my very good friends. I'm happy that everything work out fine. Some of them started with tech and entertainment but when they were getting their application disapproved repeatedly they contacted me. After that they got their adsense approved. For some reasons best known to me I won't publish the blogs. But this is what I told them, "Change your niche or better buy a new domain. Then you use the new domain to start with fresh articles different from your previous niche". What niche did they go into? Relationship, lifestyle, dating and parenting. And yes they are now approved adsense publisher. In one of the blogs, I solely wrote the articles. Just only 12 articles and the blog was approved. So it's simply not having over 20 posts as some people profer. It about uniqueness and not recycling articles. Do note that going into these niches is not a guarantee to get adsense. There are other things you must do. You need to follow google webmaster quality guidelines. I will tell you how go to about it. Navigation is a key issue. Your visitors should be able to find what they are looking for easily. This means you should label your posts or add categories. Add relevant pages such as about, contact, privacy policy, sitemap and archive page. You should get a well designed template. The template should be neat with good layout. That is all I've to share concerning why adsense keep disapproving your application. I hope to hear from you all soon when you get approved.

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